Investment Registration

Alternative Investment in Made in Bangladesh Products

BeshiDeshi Impacts in the life of Artisans


Registered Artisans


Income Increment of the Top Producers


Loans Facilitated to Artisans


Direct Investment to Selected Artisans


Producers received different Trainings

BDT 14.5MN+

Impact Income in the Lives of Producers

Current Investment Opportunities

Eco Friendly Fixed Income (Unit 2)
Investment Amount BDT 50,000/Unit
15% Yearly Fixed Profit Rate
6 Months Maturity Period
Includes Various Popular Eco Friendly Products
Home Decor Fixed Income (Unit 3)
Investment Amount BDT 50,000/Unit
15% Yearly Fixed Profit Rate
6 Months Maturity Period
Includes Various Popular Handmade Home Decor Products
Home Decor Fixed Income (Unit 4)
Investment Amount BDT 50,000/Unit
10% Yearly Fixed Profit Rate
3 Months Maturity Period
Includes Various Popular Handmade Home Decor Products

6 Easy Steps in Supporting Made in Bangladesh Products

For Fixed Income Units

Step 1

Funding Registration

Step 2

Agreement & Payment

Step 3

Receive Post Dated Cheque

Step 4

Certification of Product Ownership

Step 5

Warehouse Visit

Step 6

Receive Payment when Tenure Ends

Funding Registration

Terms & Conditions

The funder has selected their desired investment product/category and reviewed the associated terms and return rates. The total investment amount will cover production, transportation, maintenance, and other relevant costs related to the inventory investment. The funder acknowledges that the funds are tied up and inaccessible for the entire investment term, and neither BDL nor the producers can provide a refund until the investment period is successfully completed. These terms will come into effect upon the funder’s registration to invest in inventory with BDL and will remain in effect until the investment tenure ends.

As per Funder’s choice of payment mode Funder will pay Beshi Deshi Ltd to start the investment partnership. Account payee cheque/pay order/draft/online Payment or cash deposit directly made into Beshi Deshi Ltd’s bank account shall be deemed to be deposited on the day when BDL receives the amount in its designated account after completion of all banking formalities. After the investment is credited in Beshi Deshi Ltd’s bank account, BDL will provide an acknowledgement email as a confirmation of payment receipt. The Start date of the Investment will be recorded from the date the Payment is receipt/credited in the Beshi Deshi Ltd’s bank account. If the payment is not cleared or credited in the Beshi Deshi Ltd’s bank account the agreement will be forfeited by itself.

BDL will be totally responsible to manage the Inventory. From the beginning of production, transportation, Promotion and Sales and Stock Management. The Inventory can be stored at any Location within Bangladesh or outside Bangladesh as at BDL’s discretion and promotional and operational requirement. The Storage location will be informed to Funder in the reporting.

The Inventory will be insured by Beshi Deshi Limited. So, the funder bears no loss other than any acts of God/Force Majeure events.

BDL will be reporting Monthly basis to Funder via email address provided by the Funder. The Funder is entitled to request to physically check the inventory. In that case the funder has to write to with the subject “Requesting for Warehouse visit of [INV ID]” and provide funder’s few preferred dates and time of visit. Concern Relation Manager of BDL will confirm after checking with field operations team. All requests made on the requirement of Warehouse visit by clients shall be processed based on written proof. The funder has to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) before the Warehouse visit. All expenses including transportation and other miscellaneous expenses are the funder’s responsibility for the warehouse. Only a funder and one acquaintance are allowed to visit Warehouse. No representatives on behalf of the funder will be allowed to visit under any circumstances.

BeshiDeshi will try to sell the products within the agreed-upon tenure and providing a return to the funder.

For Fixed Income: BeshiDeshi ensures that the funder’s fixed income is insured (insurance details can be found in the Terms & Conditions). As part of the agreement, the funder will receive a Post Dated Cheque in their name, which will include the total invested amount along with the fixed income amount. The date on the cheque will be within a week after the investment tenure expires, guaranteeing the funder’s return, regardless of whether the product is sold or not. BeshiDeshi also pledges to provide a fair price to the producer for the products.


In case of death of a funder or legal incapacity, earnings made from the investment and the actual investment amount (upon completion of funding tenure) through Beshi Deshi Limited will be paid to the nominee as per the nominee details provided by the funder. In absence of a nominee, all the earnings upon completion of the tenure will be paid to the funder’s bank account provided by the funder while registering themselves on Beshi Deshi Limited’s platform. In case the fund cannot be transferred to the designated Bank Account of the funder, the same shall be given to the successors of the funder subject to submission to the satisfaction of Management of Beshi Deshi Limited and proper documents as proof of such succession.

Representations and warranties are statements and promises made by you to BDL, which we rely on as being accurate in our dealings with you. You make the following representations and warranties to us at the time of agreeing to these Terms and every time you use the platform or services, you are over the age of 18 years; you are of sound mind and have the capacity to enter into these Terms, all personal information that you provide about yourself is accurate and true to the best of your knowledge, you have carefully considered the risks involved with using the Platform, the Services and being matched to a farm and also the risks associated with any form of cash contribution, including but not limited to the possibility of losing all the money you contribute; you will only ever fund with your own money unless you are authorized on behalf of a third party and we agree that you may act on behalf of that Third Party. You are not using any illegal funds or attempting to launder by funding a farm if you are registering or accepting these Terms on behalf of a legal entity such as a company, trust or partnership, you are legally authorized to do so and we may request evidence of such legal entitlement (by way of a copy of any document which shows the valid and subsisting authorization);and you are not breaking any laws or regulations that are applicable to you or any company, trust or partnership upon whose instructions you are acting.

The Funder must not use this platform to launder money. When we discover that the Platform is being used to launder money or for any suspicious transactions, we have an obligation to report Funder’s activities to the relevant authorities without recourse to the funder.

Unless otherwise required by the law, government or any authority from time to time, tax, if any, payable on the earnings from the investment upon their completion is subject to the funder’s personal taxation criteria and Beshi Deshi Ltd will not deduct any amount for such purposes on the earnings made.

The Funder confirm that the funder has read and understood Beshi Deshi Limited’s Privacy Policy which provides information on how we use and store the personal information that you provide to us and you further acknowledge that the BDL may amend and update this policy from time to time.

 The Funder agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Beshi Deshi Limited, any producer, and all our other agents or sub-contractors, against all liabilities, costs, expenses, damages and losses (including any direct, indirect or consequential losses, loss of profit, loss of reputation and all interest penalties and legal and other reasonable professional costs and expenses) suffered or incurred as a result of: the funder’s fraudulent or illegal use of the Platform, the Services or the Website; the funder’s negligence or any default by the funder of any of these Terms or the terms of any Loan Agreement to which you are matched; any inaccurate or incomplete information that the funder have knowingly provided to us; funder allowing any other person to access your account either with funder’s permission; any service that funder have offered, whether with or without BDl’s permission, to another third party using BDL’s Platform, Services or Website; any claim made against the funder for actual or alleged infringement of the BDL’s Intellectual Property Rights or any actual or alleged infringement of a third party’s Intellectual Property Rights arising out of or in connection with the Services or the funder’s use of the Platform.

This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted by the Laws of Bangladesh. Any dispute arising out of this Agreement, which cannot be settled, by mutual agreement/negotiation within 30 days shall be referred to arbitration. Such Arbitration proceedings shall be governed by Arbitration Act, 2001. If, due to any change in applicable law or regulations or the interpretation thereof by any court of law or other governing body having jurisdiction subsequent to the date of this Agreement, performance of any provision of this Agreement or any transaction contemplated hereby shall become impractical or impossible, the Parties hereto shall use their best efforts to find and employ an alternative means to achieve the same or substantially the same result as that contemplated by such provision.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

You will receive an email confirmation of your Registration. A Relationship Manager from BeshiDeshi then will contact you over phone and/or over email to confirm the process. Funder will provide an appointment either in BeshiDeshi office or Funder office for Agreement and other formalities of the Investment. For any Query please email to

A partnership agreement will be done between the Funder and BeshiDeshi. All the clause summary is mentioned in the Terms and Conditions above mentioned. If required you can also ask your concern BeshiDeshi Relationship Manager to send a draft copy before signing or preparing.

The investment comes with insurance coverage provided by BeshiDeshi, which can be reviewed in the Terms and Conditions section under Insurance Details. In addition to insurance for Fixed Income units, the Funder will also receive a Post-dated Cheque from BeshiDeshi. Furthermore, for both Fixed Income and Profit Basis units, the Funder will be issued a Certification of Ownership for the products purchased with their investment, specifying the product name and details. The Funder can verify the products through Warehouse Visit Terms as outlined by BeshiDeshi.

Funder can not just take away the invested products. The Funder can purchase the Products from BeshiDeshi at BeshiDeshi’s selling Price.

The details of the invested Products will be shared to funder’s provided email address within maximum 1 month after the agreement and investment is done. The details will be shared through an email with a detailed certification copy from

Yes a Funder can invest as many investment as the funder wants, as long as the investment opportunities are still available.


After Funding Registration. The funder will receive an email from with online payment Link. You can pay through that link.


Yes. You can add Nominee Details later. For adding Nominee Details later please email to with Subject: Nominee.

BeshiDeshi puts forth maximum effort to sell their products through both online and offline channels in order to maximize the impact on their artisans and funders.

For Fixed Income: BeshiDeshi assumes full responsibility for the sales outcome and guarantees that the funder will receive the promised amount in full, regardless of whether the product sells or not.

The Inventory will be insured by Beshi Deshi Limited. So, the funder bears no loss if the products gets damaged other than any acts of God/Force Majeure events.

BeshiDeshi issues a Certificate of Product Ownership to the funder, which formally indicates the products that have been purchased using the funder’s provided funds. The certificate includes details such as the names of the items, the units purchased, and the materials used to make the products.

Visiting the warehouse is not mandatory. Rather, it is a privilege extended to the funder, allowing them to view the products that have been invested in using their funds.

The funder will receive monthly updates via email automatically. If there are any further inquiries, funder can reach out to